October 6, 2014 – Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird announced in the House of Commons today that Canada will undertake renewed action, in coordination with our allies and partners, to respond to the heinous acts of sexual violence and other human rights abuses being committed by ISIL, the so-called Islamic State of Iraq andRead More
Article on JRR in Perreault Magazine
An interview with Justice Rapid Response Executive Director was recently featured in the Conscious Content Global PERREAULT Magazine. As the October 2014 ‘Man With A Cause’, Andras Vamos-Goldman explains what JRR is doing and why it is important. “It is unacceptable that while we demand prompt, professional investigations of crimes in our neighbourhoods, we have to acceptRead More
Official Opening of International Criminal Investigations Course in Washington DC
The 26th Justice Rapid Response (JRR) training course on international criminal investigations was officially opened on 15 September 2014. The training is being held at the United States Department of State in Washington, D.C. until 19 September 2014. The course is taking place in collaboration with JRR’s long-standing exclusive training partner, the Institute for InternationalRead More
Finland takes over Chair of JRR’s Executive Board
JRR welcomes the new Chair of its Executive Board, Finland, in the person of Ambassador Marjah Lehto. Ambassador Lehto has behind her nearly twenty years of diplomatic activity related to international peace and security as well as international law issues, mostly in a multilateral context (UN, EU, Council of Europe), and including negotiations on theRead More
Investigations in Iraq to Commence
The UN Human Rights Council requested the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to urgently dispatch a mission to Iraq to investigate alleged violations and abuses of international human rights law allegedly committed by the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and associated terrorist groups, and to establish the factsRead More