Justice Rapid Response and Save the Children International are proud to unveil their new e-learning course titled Integrating a Child Rights Approach in Accountability Work, an online course dedicated to increase the capacity of justice and human rights experts to integrate a child rights sensitive approach in their accountability work.
This e-learning course, made possible thanks to the support of the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), is among the first e-learning platforms of the kind to contribute actively to mainstreaming a child rights lens in justice and accountability efforts. We encourage all justice actors to go through this 2,5 hour module to learn more about best practices when investigating crimes and violations affecting children.
An official launch event presenting this tool to the international community has been organized in collaboration with the EU Delegation to the UN in Geneva and the Belgian Mission to the UN in Geneva. We are very grateful for their support in launching this important tool and we also thank our partners, Save the Children, for their collaboration in developing this new e-learning course.