Justice Rapid Response and the Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia (JEP)
invite you to attend a webinar on:
Victim participation in transitional justice processes:
The experience of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia (JEP) and Justice Rapid Response
Wednesday 22 July 2020, 9AM UTC/GMT-5 (4PM CEST)
[9AM in Bogota, 4PM in Geneva]
1:15-hour webinar, with simultaneous interpretation in Spanish/English
You are invited to attend this live discussion delving into how international crimes can be addressed using a victim centred approach. The discussion will draw on the experience of Colombia following its 50-year conflict and identify challenges to ensuring meaningful victim participation in the transitional justice process.
Roberto Carlos Vidal López, Judge, Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia
Gustavo Gallón, Director & Founder, Colombian Commission of Jurists, CCJ
Fiona McKay, Victim Participation Expert, Justice Rapid Response
Introductory Remarks
Nina Suomalainen, Executive Director, Justice Rapid Response

Justice Rapid Response experts meet with representatives from the special court JEP in Bogota, Colombia © JRR
Colombia established the Special Jurisdiction for Peace with an initial 15-year mandate to investigate and prosecute the worst crimes committed during the conflict, including sexual and gender-based violence crimes.
Justice Rapid Response has deployed eight missions to the JEP in 2019 and 2020. Experts have shared their experiences in international criminal justice issues including the management and analysis of large amounts of evidence and data for building criminal cases, as well as the protection of victims and witnesses, and victim participation in judicial processes.
This project was undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through Global Affairs Canada. We are also grateful for the participation of the Colombian Commission of Jurists.